Our Latest Trip to Kenya, a Focus on Talek

As 2018 comes to a close, Zosseo Overland Support would like to thank you sincerely for all of your donations of time, funds, and good will. We made good use of your donations on our semiannual trip to Kenya in December! With your help we were able to see over 70 patients and pull more than 90 teeth per day of work.


On this trip we focused our efforts on the town of Talek, a predominantly Maasai village bordering the Masai Mara Reserve. Our team was lucky enough to be hosted in a small clinic owned by the area’s only healthcare provider.  The local doctor had only very basic dental training and no way to sterilize his instruments after he finished any procedure, namely circumcisions and dental extractions. Dr. Zimmer spent a day teaching the healthcare provider how to anesthetize the mouth, diagnose oral diseases, pull teeth, and sterilize instruments. The clinic was left with a sterilizer should they ever be in a position in which they have to perform an extraction or any other medical procedure. Leaving the Talek Clinic with a sterilizer and surgical equipment is a signal to the local people of our long term commitment to the Masai Mara, the tribes in it, and the health of the people in and around Talek. When we return to Kenya in the summer of 2019 we will be returning to Talek to follow up with the local clinic on their training and advance them even further, as they serve a population of an estimated 5,000 people alone.

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